Donation to the Cancer Schmancer Foundation

By August 23, 2010 June 1st, 2020 Philanthropy and Charities

Scanned copy available at: Geoff Edelsten 2010.08.23 Cancer Schmancer Foundation Trust Account Cheque, Webb Korfiatis Barristers & Solicitors

Webb Korfiatis

Barristers & Solicitors

Michael J Webb LL.B
Jim Korfiatis BEc, LL.B

Telephone: 9663-8899
Facsimile: 9663-8298

All correspondence to:
Suite 1, Ground Floor
Lansdowne House
182 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne Vic., 3002
DX 31504
[email protected]

Your Ref.:
Our Ref.: MJW:gmb 2010.0024

23rd August, 2010


The Manager
Cancer Schmancer Foundation
P.O. Box 2760
RESTON, VA 20195

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: G.W. & B.M. Edelsten

We enclose with pleasure our Trust Account Cheque being for donations totalling $3,050.00. The donations were made at the wedding of Geoffrey and Brynne Edelsten late last year.

Your receipts should be drawn as follows and forwarded to this office for distribution.

$50.00 H. & W. Majtlis
$2,500.00 Lou & Betty Karalis
$500.00 Esther Edelsten
$3,050.00 Total

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Michael Webb of this office.

Yours faithfully
Webb Korfiatis


Cancer Schmancer Foundation

Saving women’s lives through early detection

September 10, 2010

Webb Korfiatis
Barristers & Solicitors
Suite 1, Ground Floor
Lansdowne House
182 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne Vic., 3002
DX 31504
East Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

Dear Lou & Betty Karalis,

You are such an angel! Thank you, thank you for your most generous donation of $2,500 to the Cancer Schmancer Foundation on behalf of the Geoffrey and Brynne Edelsten wedding. This is truly a movement in honor of the beautiful women who lost their lives due to late stage diagnosis. And I thank you for being part of it.

In the United States, one in every three women will be diagnosed with cancer in her lifetime. Yet, there’s still no cure. I am leading Cancer Schmancer, along with millions of women across the U.S., to spin cancer on its head by transforming women from patients, which implies passivity, into medical consumers. So, with your support, we will continue to empower women to listen to their bodies, ask the right questions of their doctors and seek second opinions. We can prevent cancer and, if we still end up with it, detect cancer in its earliest stages.

We are the pioneers of a new frontier that, together, will shift the course of women’s health history. Thank you for all your support. The daughters of tomorrow will thank us, the visionaries of today, for a world where women and their families can live long and healthy lives, cancer-free!

Be Well,

Fran Drescher
President & Visionary
Cancer Schmancer Foundation

As we are a tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)3 with Federal Tax 10# 26-0489038, contributions to the Cancer Schmancer Foundation are deductible as qualified charitable contributions to the fullest extent of the law.

PO Box 2760 Reston, VA 20195 + Tel: (888) 621-2001 +

Cancer Schmancer Foundation

Saving women’s lives through early detection

September 10, 2010

Webb Korfiatis
Barristers & Solicitors
Suite 1, Ground Floor
Lansdowne House
182 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne Vic., 3002
DX 31504
East Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

Dear Esther Edelsten,

You are such an angel! Thank you, thank you for your most generous donation of $500 to the Cancer Schmancer Foundation on behalf of the Geoffrey and Brynne Edelsten wedding. This is truly a movement in honor of the beautiful women who lost their lives due to late stage diagnosis. And I thank you for being part of it.

In the United States, one in every three women will be diagnosed with cancer in her lifetime. Yet, there’s still no cure. I am leading Cancer Schmancer, along with millions of women across the U.S., to spin cancer on its head by transforming women from patients, which implies passivity, into medical consumers. So, with your support, we will continue to empower women to listen to their bodies, ask the right questions of their doctors and seek second opinions. We can prevent cancer and, if we still end up with it, detect cancer in its earliest stages.

We are the pioneers of a new frontier that, together, will shift the course of women’s health history. Thank you for all your support. The daughters of tomorrow will thank us, the visionaries of today, for a world where women and their families can live long and healthy lives, cancer-free!

Be Well,

Fran Drescher
President & Visionary
Cancer Schmancer Foundation

As we are a tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)3 with Federal Tax lD# 26-0489038, contributions to the Cancer Schmancer Foundation are deductible as qualified charitable contributions to the fullest extent of the law.

PO Box 2760 Reston, VA 20195 + Tel: (888) 621-2001 +

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